The world around us is not as clean and pure as it once was.
Our body is extremely vulnerable to damage from environmental toxins and depends on a very delicate internal balance in order to work at its best and stay healthy. So what can we do to protect ourselves from today’s pollution that is all around us and even affects our food supply?
Here you can read about 6 of many dangerous toxins which enter the body every day and how to protect yourself!

1. Phthalates
They can be found in capsules, pills, plastic bags, cosmetics and some gels. They improve the bag’s elasticity and make the cosmetic products to smell beautiful and last longer.
Harmful properties: hormonal imbalance in the body, especially disrupt the secretion of testosterone.
How to protect yourself: Avoid products with artificial fragrances, cosmetics that contain phthalates and try to store the food in glass or ceramic containers instead of plastic ones.
2. Bisphenol A
This is chemical is found in plastic bottles, and is also used for interior coating of cans.
Harmful properties: It has similar effect on the body as estrogen, and it causes early entry into puberty. It can cause problems with fertility and has negative effects on the heart function.
How to protect yourself: Avoid canned food, and if you can’t avoid it, as soon as you open the can, transfer the food in ceramic bowl. If you use plastic bottles, always choose those with tag -BPA free. Given the fact that this poison can be found in ice containers, if you consume a drink with a few ice cubes do not drink it completely and do not eat the ice.
3. Perchlorate
Studies have shown that most perchlorates are found in eggs, milk, fruits and vegetables.
Harmful effects: affect the thyroid gland function which has an impact on all hormones in the body and make the usage of iodine difficult.
4. Mercury
Mercury is a byproduct of the heavy industry which can be found in many fish and shellfish.
Harmful effects: Large amounts of mercury in the body can disrupt the menstrual cycle and ovulation. Plus, it damages the cells of the pancreas that regulates the level of sugar in the blood.
How to protect yourself: Do not avoid fish and seafood, but choose smaller fish, as smaller fish, has smaller amount of Mercury.
5. Lead
It is the biggest pollutant that can be found even in the water.
Harmful effects: Like with all heavy metals, it is quite difficult to clean the body from lead. It can increase the stress hormone, cortisol, and can accumulate in the legs causing problems with motor skills and circulation.
How to protect yourself: Try to eat organic food and to drink filtered water. Do not use the water from the water heater.
6.Perfluorinated chemicals
Used in the manufacturing of Teflon products. For example, they are found in pizza boxes or in microwave popcorn packages.
Harmful effects: these chemicals also affect the thyroid gland function, and with it, all the hormones in the body. Several studies have shown that they may have negative effects on fertility in both sexes.
How to protect yourself: Read the labels and rarely use Teflon containers. Avoid rubbing and scratching them. Use the ceramic ones.
Source: healthyandnaturallife