Today we bring you a new quizz where you will find an image that represents six women adopting different positions to fall asleep.
If you have chosen the one that show you, it is time to find out what kind of person you are. Let’s play it!
Woman 1
People who sleep on their side with their hands together above their head imply that they need protection. In fact, they feel insecure and somewhat manipulable. Hence, this position features that they are people who act defensively if they feel att:acked by the rest of the world.
Moreover, people who sleep in this position are very sensitive to the comments and actions of others. This small act makes them distrustful, although when others touch their hearts they are the most dedicated people in the world.
Woman 2
In the second position, you can see a woman on her side with arms and legs vertical. This posture indicates that they are extremely active people and are always willing to help others.
In fact, this charitable side must be kept in mind if they want other people not to take advantage of them.
Woman 3
The woman in the third position shows a balanced woman with clear ideas. In fact, they become people who think and meditate on things before making a firm decision.
In addition, they know how to live with difficulties very well, but they tend to have a stubborn and closed character towards people they do not know.
Woman 4
They are strong and have a more prevailing character than other people.
In fact, when they give their heart to another person, they do so forever. If your partner sleeps like this, you’ll surely choose the true partner.
Woman 5
The fifth position is known as the “starfish” and is the sleeping position of people who are sociable, approachable, and who act altruistically towards others.
Sometimes this position is also related to self-centeredness. However, because they always put the well-being of others before their own, this is not a problem. If you know someone who sleeps this way, you are lucky because they are your true friends.
Woman 6
This posture is shown by a woman lying face down and with her hands up. They are usually fun and optimistic people who only want to be socially accepted.
In fact, these kinds of people tend to connect quickly with others. These people are usually well accepted both in their personal and professional fields, because they know how to express any idea with ease.
Now that you discover the most common sleeping positions, we suggest you to change your habits to healthier ones. Tt is advisable to sleep on your left side, because this is how the spine is kept vertically aligned.