90% of strokes are caused by these 10 reasons, you know?

A stroke happens when blood flow to a part of your brain is cut off. Without the oxygen in blood, brain cells start d.y.i.n.g within minutes. To help prevent a stroke, learn about the causes and the things that can raise your odds of getting one.
A stroke can happen in two main ways: Something blocks the flow of blood, or something causes bleeding in the brain.
Ischemic stroke. In 8 out of 10 strokes, a blood vessel that takes blood to your brain gets plugged. It happens when fatty deposits in arteries break off and travel to the brain or when poor blood flow from an irregular heartbeat forms a blood clot.
Hemorrhagic stroke. It’s less common than an ischemic stroke but can be more serious. A blood vessel in your brain balloons up and bursts, or a weakened one leaks. Uncontrolled high blood pressure and taking too much blood thinner medicine can lead to this kind of stroke.
Some people have what’s called a transient ischemic attack (TIA). This “mini stroke” is due to a temporary blockage. It doesn’t cause permanent brain damage, but it raises your odds of having a full-scale stroke.
The 10 leading causes of stroke
In 2014, the study presented by Interstroke at the World Congress of Cardiology concluded that 90% of strokes are associated with these top 10 risk factors .
1. Hypertension
It is the most common risk factor and is present in almost 80% of people suffering a stroke in Argentina .
2. High Cholesterol
Increases the risk of arteries, including the brain is clogged.
3. Smoking
Increases the risk of stroke by 50% and 70% mostly affecting women.
4. Sedentary
Physical inactivity is another risk factor that increases the chances of having a stroke .
5. Abdominal obesity
Some 37% of the population is overweight, one of the major causes of stroke .
6. Heart conditions
The most common are the arrhythmia and atrial fibrillation, which increases 5 times the risk of stroke .
7. Excessive consumption of salt
It is recommended that a diet low in sodium, and increase consumption of fruits and vegetables, fish and lean meats.Furthermore, it is also advisable to decrease as the consumption of processed foods (frozen vegetables, canned goods, snacks, powdered juices, candy, etc.) can.
8. Excessive alcohol
Excessive alcohol has a close relationship with the risk of cerebral hemorrhages.
9. Diabetes
22% of patients suffering a stroke in Argentina is diabetic, which is essential to control the disease.
10. Psychosocial factors
Stress and depression doubles the risk of stroke . How to counteract stress? Through the use of techniques that help you distinguish what is what really matters. Suma relaxation , breathing or any activity that helps you to channel excess energy.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the best choice. So you know, if you live up to several of these factors that can cause a stroke it may be time to change your lifestyle, right?
References: webmd.com, blogger4zero.com