A bathroom is a place where people shower and cleanse their bodies. It generally contains a shower, sink with a bathtub or both. Some bathrooms have toilets installed in them and can also be used for defecation purposes. They are equipped with sanitary towels, soaps and other necessities. Both men and women frequently visit the bathroom for personal hygiene. There are some weird things which women do while they are in the bathroom but I’m sure they never talk about them.
1. Staring at their own behind
2. Respond To Online Messages While We’re On The Toilet
3. Make Crazy Faces In The Bathroom Mirror
They always check out their face before leaving the bathroom, and think that’s perfectly normal
4. Fart super loud
There’s nothing quite like the feeling of being able to fart super loud in the privacy of an empty women’s room
5. Swirling their hairs around on the shower tiles to make lovely/gross patterns.
6. Pulling insane gymnastic shapes in the shower while trying to shave their legs or other parts.
7. Attempt, and often fail, to turn off the bath tap with their toe.
8. Try to shake themselves dry after peeing and there’s no toilet paper, even though it leaves a bit of pee on their underwear.
9. Pull the ugliest faces possible just to see what they look like.
10. Pull out some crazy dance moves.
11. Cry and just cry out like crazy
12. Check the period flow. Women in their period use the bathroom to cleanse themselves.
13. Reading the ingredients on the toilet bleach if they forget their phone when going for a poo.
14. Doing a naked, dripping-wet run out of the bath or shower when you realise you’ve left your razor on the side.
Sources: http://trendinginkenya.com/, buzzfeed.com