After nearly 140 years of baby boys, the impressive streak is finally broken when the family welcomed a beautiful baby girl.
Having a kid is a precious blessing. It’s not unsual that every parent wants their children to arrive happy and healthy. However, prior to learning of their baby’s sex, parents likely secretly wish for a boy over a girl or vice versa.
One woman in Michigan desperately wanted a little baby girl, but iven the history of her husband’s family, the odds were not in her favor. According to People, not since 1885 had a girl been born in Andrew Clark’s family.
When Andrew told his wife, Carolyn the news about his family’s history, she thought it was a joke at first.
“He was like, ‘Oh, we don’t, we don’t have girls,'” she said. “And I’m like, ‘Ok.’ Like, I thought he was just messing with me.”
While the odds are heavily against her, Carolyn said she was going to be the one to break the baby girl drought in Andrew’s family. They began trying and ended up pregnant. Carolyn and Andrew became the happy parents of a beautiful baby boy, Cameron, as per News Center Maine.
Andrew and Carolyn began trying again, but sadly this time the pregnancy ended in a misc@rriage in January 2021, which Carolyn mentioned was their second.
A little more than a year later, the couple found out they were having another baby. And this would be the baby that would for sure break the 138-year-old streak.
The Couple Used Cookies and Frosting To Share the Good News of Their Baby Girl

Well, Carolyn explained how she and her husband revealed the baby’s sex to their family at a gender reveal party using cookies.
“We, you know, did a countdown,” Carolyn said. “Three-two-one and we all took a bite.”

The bite revealed the pink frosting inside the baked goods. Carolyn and Andrew were going to have a baby girl.
On March 17, Audrey Marie Clark entered the world.
“It was just joy,” Carolyn said. “You know, just that she was here and healthy.”
Carolyn later added, “I got my girl.”