Home Health Diabetes, hypertension and fatty liver: Discover all the benefits of this tea

Diabetes, hypertension and fatty liver: Discover all the benefits of this tea

Diabetes, hypertension and fatty liver: Learn all the benefits of this tea

Benefits of carqueja tea

Carqueja tea is made from the leaves of the carqueja plant, which is a medicinal plant scientifically known as Baccharis trimera. It can be found in health food stores and farmer’s markets.

Carqueja has hypoglycemic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antihypertensive and diuretic properties, which can contribute to wellbeing in several ways. The main benefits of carqueja tea include:

– Diabetes management: This can tea can decrease the rates of sugar absorption from food, which helps to control sugar spikes. This effect continues to be studied, however.

– Liver detox: This tea contains flavonoids that protect the liver.

– Blood pressure management: Which can be favorable for people diagnosed with hypertension

– Improvement of digestive problems: This tea helps to protect the stomach from ulcers, as it contains substances that decrease gastric acid secretion.

– Cholesterol management: The saponins found in this tea’s composition can help to prevent the absorption of cholesterol

– Decreases inflammation: It can help to decrease systemic inflammation.

– Weight loss: This tea can be an excellent complement to a weight loss diet as it reduces appetite

– Relieves fluid retention: The diuretic components in this tea stimulate fluid excretion, which can help with swelling.

– Strengthens the immune system: The antioxidant properties found in this tea help to combat foreign invadors.

How to make carqueja tea

Carqueja is a plant widely used in folk medicine, and the tea prepared with its leaves offers several health benefits.

To prepare carqueja tea, follow these steps:

– Step 1: Boil 1 liter of filtered water
– Step 2: Add 2 tablespoons of carqueja leaves
– Step 3: Let it boil for a few minutes and then turn off the heat.
– Step 4: Let the tea steep for about 10 minutes, strain and drink up to three cups a day.


It is important to remember that carqueja tea should be consumed in moderation, as excessive use can cause complications.

Diabetics and hypertensive patients should consult a doctor before consuming the tea, to determine the correct amount.

Additionally, children, pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding should avoid consumption and need to consult a doctor.