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If you have ever or are doing these things, stop, you may be ruining your love life

All wants a healthy relationship, yet what not so many people know is that it takes not only hard work but frequent self-assessment to make a relationship work. Sometimes, your partner isn’t the problem, you are. There are just some things that you might be doing that are ruining the chances of your relationship. If you have ever or are doing any of the following 5 things, you should work on being a better person for the sake of your relationship.

1. You don’t take your partner’s feelings into consideration

A key thing to be in a relationship is to be empathetic, you have to learn to be less defensive especially when confronted by your partner. If they are complaining about something, then it is time for you to do something about it. For a relationship to work, it takes the two of you to be considerate about the other person’s feelings.

2. You talk about leaving the relationship every time you have a misunderstanding.

A healthy relationship doesn’t mean a misunderstanding free zone, all long lasting relationships go through tough times and what makes it healthy is how they resolve their differences. So if you keep talking about ending the relationship every time you fight, eventually your partner will begin to get the message that you can’t stick the long term and stop taking you seriously.

3. You are judgmental

If you keep judging the actions and decisions of your partner, that is a relationship that will not last. Judgments never come from a place of love and it will only spew bitterness.

4. You don’t create time for each other.

Yes, life has a way of keeping you busy. It is not enough that you see on a regular basis, what matters is how much quality time you spend together. In a generation of the internet and social media, it is easy to get carried away and not pay attention to the ones who matter to us the most. So, don’t just go on dates, keep your phones at home and just talk and enjoy the company of each other. Spending quality time together is a sure way of strengthening your bond.

5. ??? is a chore to you

??? is an important aspect of a relationship and should be treated as such. It builds intimacy and strengthens bonds between lovers, and that only happens when you are both feeling each other. If you are not enjoying your ?????? relationship, then discuss it with your partner about it and seek help if need be. A good ??? life is essential for the growth of your relationship.

Building something strong and solid like a healthy relationship requires commitment to making it work and it is time to take an honest look at yourself and start making positive decisions that will lead to progressive changes in your relationship.