ʟᴜɴɢ ᴄᴀɴᴄᴇʀ is among the most prevalent and diabolical diseases to exist. This disease afflicts more than 130,000 people worldwide and a good percentage of those that develop it are smokers. However, that doesn’t mean it is the sole reason for developing the disease.
In recent times, the likelihood that you will develop ʟᴜɴɢ ᴄᴀɴᴄᴇʀ is higher than it has ever been. However, you don’t need to fret because of the fact that there are some cues that you can pick up on to tell if you are developing the preliminary symptoms of lung cancer or any lung or throat problem in general.
The easiest thing for people to pick up on is the harshness in a person’s voice when they speak. If you realize that you have a certain harshness in your voice, then you should probably get it checked out.

There are a lot of reasons why something like this could come about but the most simple and the best explanation comes from the fact that you may have some excess mucus developing in your throat or in your windpipe.
The reason you are developing mucus can vary greatly. For some people, the onset of mucus can represent the triggering of an allergy.
For instance, many people that inhale small pieces of pollen in the spring are likely to develop this symptom. It can often be overlooked and treated as something else. It is important to understand exactly the reason why something is happening.
The next reason for a hoarse voice is the constriction of the trachea or the windpipe as it is commonly called. This can also come about as a result of several reasons.
Being such a central organ, it is surrounded by other organs which are in all respects just as important. If you have had a big meal, then your esophagus will become a bit thicker and will have to occupy some of the space taken up by the trachea.
This can cause trouble breathing but also will create the low whistle that all asthmatic people are all too accustomed to hearing, that of wheezing.
This wheezing can act in conjunction with mucus to effectively destabilize your throat and your breathing. This will often manifest itself as hoarseness in your voice when you try to speak.
This is a serious issue that needs to be tackled. But first, we have to understand why these symptoms come about in the first place.
As I mentioned before, the main reason this kind of stuff happens is that a person is exposed to some tough allergens. This can easily be overcome by taking antihistamines and other anti-allergic medication.
But to be on the safe side, always take the medication your doctor prescribes for you. We advise you to be more careful and notice the small changes in your voice and in your breathing. It could very well save your life.
Source: habitsandroutines.com