Breastfeeding provides a multitude of benefits, contributes to health, well-being, and offers an incredible bonding experience for both the mother and baby.
The World Health Organization (WHO) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends “exclusive breastfeeding for about the first six months, with continued breastfeeding along with introducing appropriate complementary foods for up to two years of age or longer.”
Some people consider it taboo, but “extended breastfeeding” – allowing a child to latch beyond a year – is completely normal for others. In many cultures, it’s not unusual for a child to breastfeed for two years, three years, or even longer.
And for one woman, “even longer” means almost a decade.
She is being slammed by the online population for admitting she still breastfeeds her nine-year-old daughter.
The mom, inviting harsh judgement from fellow internet users, is urged to “turn off the mommy [spigot]” and “seek help.”
‘Your codependency is problematic’
“I still allow my nine-year-old daughter to breastfeed from me, and she won’t stop until she wants to. Does anyone support me?” writes the mother. SHe explained that her child still enjoys it.
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Unfortunately, this mom didn’t get the support she was wanting. Many online users flooded the comments section of her post with shame and criticism.
“There’s no earthly reason for a nine-year-old to still be fed like an infant. Additionally, if she doesn’t stop until SHE wants to stop, then you have lost control as a parent.” The post continues, “What else does she make the rules on? What other parental rights have you handed over to a nine-year-old?”, one Quora user writes.
A father agrees, “What other decisions is she making for the family? Does she dictate what’s for dinner, besides milk that is? Pick out your cars? Tell you, not ask you, that she is going down the street to play with her friends?”
The user then adds, “My wife nursed both of our girls, but stopped when they were toddlers. You should follow the example of all other mammals and wean your child. You should also be a parent to your child, not let your child run your life.”
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A third user writes, “Weaning your child is part of the growing the development process. Your codependency is problematic.”
Why weaning is important
The National Library of Medicine says it’s important to wean an infant as, “after a certain age, human milk alone will no longer supply all of an infant’s nutritional requirements.”
The report outlines that at four to six months of age, a child is “developmentally ready to accept solid foods,” and that “sucking and chewing are complex behaviors, having both reflex and learned components.”

The article, ‘Weaning from the Breast,’ says, “The learned component is conditioned by oral stimulation. If a stimulus is not applied when the neural development is taking place, then the infant may become a poor eater. There is a relationship between prolonged sucking without solids and poor eating.”
‘Let her grow up’
Meanwhile, others say the poster is doing more harm than good and urge the mother to get professional “help.”
“You have some psychological/emotional issues you are now passing on to your child. She will NOT be normal socially without counseling. And YOU need help…” writes one cybernaut.
“Please seek help, this is not natural or healthy for your daughter. You really need to turn off the mommy [spigots] and let her grow up.”
Breastfeeding an older child can seem peculiar to some, but there are no rules on when a mother should stop. In fact, the WHO writes, “the most important thing is to continue breastfeeding for as long as feels right for you and your baby, rather than what other people think.”