Home Health The powerful vitamin that protects against prostate can.cer and other types of...

The powerful vitamin that protects against prostate can.cer and other types of canc.er

Vitamins, which are organic molecules essential for the proper functioning of our body, play a role in the functions of our cells.

As we are deficient in these substances, our body can manifest various symptoms and become ill, so it is necessary to consume them through vitamins and vitamin supplements. The latter should always be taken under medical supervision to prevent excess vitamins in our body, also known as hypervitaminosis.

Today, we’ll share information about a powerful vitamin that scientists have examined and found to be helpful in reducing the risk of prostate ca:ncer and other types of ca:ncer.

What do we know about prostate ca:ncer?

Prostate can:cer is a type of ca:ncer that develops in the prostate, a gland located in the male reproductive system, just below the bladder and in front of the rectum. The prostate produces part of the seminal fluid that transports and nourishes sperm during ejaculation. Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of c:an:cer in men, but with early detection and proper treatment, it is usually highly treatable.

What are the risk factors for prostate ca:nce:r?

As you know, can:ce:r is a multifactorial disease and has several risk factors. Some of these are listed below:

– Age: The risk of prostate c:ancer increases with age. Most cases are diagnosed in men over 65 years of age.

– Family history: If you have first-degree relatives (father, brother) with a history of prostate can:ce:r, your risk may be higher.

– Race: Men of African descent have a slightly higher risk of developing prostate ca:ncer.

– Diet and lifestyle: Some studies suggest that a diet high in saturated fat and obesity may increase the risk.

The Powerful Vitamin That Reduces the Risk of Prostate and Other Ca:ncers

In an article published in Harvard Health Publishing, researchers found that high vitamin D levels were associated with up to a 20% lower risk of ca:ncer in men and women compared to those with low vitamin D levels. Higher vitamin D levels appear to offer the clearest benefit in reducing the risk of liver ca:ncer, especially in men.

Furthermore, another article involving 190 men found that patients with aggressive prostate ca:ncer had lower vitamin D levels (below 30 nanograms per milliliter), suggesting that vitamin D may have a protective effect against this and other types of can-cer.

How does vitamin D protect against c:ancer?

Researchers are still not 100% clear on how vitamin D reduces the risk of different types of ca-ncer, but certain factors may explain the association. Previous research has suggested that vitamin D has an anti-inflammatory effect and may interfere with ca-ncer cell pathways. Additionally, people who tend to lead healthier lifestyles spend more time outdoors and are therefore exposed to more vitamin D-generating sunlight.

Effective Ways to Increase Your Vitamin D Levels

– Spend time in sunlight
– Consume fatty fish and seafood: salmon, tuna, mackerel, oysters, shrimp, sardines, anchovies
– Eat more mushrooms
– Include egg yolks in your diet
– Eat fortified foods: cow’s milk, plant-based milk alternatives like soy, almond, and hemp milk
orange juice, ready-to-eat cereals, certain types of yogurt
– Take a vitamin D supplement