When a guy asks a girl out and then she replies him by saying “I will think about it”, there are several scenarios. I know many of you that are guys have also gotten this reply once or twice from a lady.

The question that many of us now ask is that what does it mean when a girl tells a guy this, what is the meaning of “I will think about it?”
One thing I have observed is that, some guys translate this to mean that the girl is not in any interested and they take it as a no. Some also translate it as hope for them to prove themselves right and won the girl’s heart.
However, I’ve made some findings and I got to find out what this kind of reply actually mean. The first thing to take note of is the tone it is said, as the meaning varies from one person to another.
The first is that most women who answer YES outright are labeled as cheap, which is why many have reverted to stating they would think about it. She might have meant to say yes because she genuinely likes you, but she’s afraid to. You should expect a pleasant answer from the female.
Also, it might be that she doesn’t want you to feel hurt or feel down and rejected. So, instead of saying NO directly, she uses the common phrase that she will think about it.
How about you? What do you think? Can you share your thoughts in the comment section?
Source: ng.opera.news