It’s not uncommon for some men to keep their relationships private, especially in the beginning. But before you assume this is negatively motivated, know that things aren’t always as they seem. Among the different reasons why men like to keep their relationships private, concerns for family and friends tend to be the most common. Listed below are 10 reasons why men may want to keep their relationship a secret.

1. He doesn’t want mutual friends to know about it yet.
A lot of guys don’t want to be harassed by the views of others. They might start asking a lot of questions about private stuff when it comes to a couple’s mutual friends, which could end up bothering both partners in the relationship.
Being careful and waiting a while before telling someone about the relationship and revealing it when things get more serious is the best way to treat the situation. If these people are true mates, certainly they’ll approve!
2. He’s concerned about the approval of his family.
If a man comes from a traditional family or has parents with very precise ideas about who he should be dating, he may want to wait before telling them about the relationship. Communication is key in these cases: try to find the right way to approach the family and understand their vision.
4. He thinks the relationship is more exciting if it’s a secret.
It’s very normal for guys to think that the relationship would be more fun and hot with an aura of mystery.
Oh, and why not? For a moment, it might be a way to appreciate life even more!
5. He Just Ended Another Relationship
If this is the case, there could be more than one specific reason why they don’t want to make their relationship public. Maybe he doesn’t want to hurt his exes feelings since they recently broke up. Perhaps he wants to protect his new girlfriend from any negativity from his ex. He may also still have feelings for his ex and thinks they could end up getting back together some day. In this kind of situation, the best way to handle things is to investigate his reasoning carefully without pressuring him.
6. He’s not sure about his feelings.
Men can be just as insecure as women, particularly when it comes to feelings and new relationships. Before revealing it to the world, he may wish to see where things are heading.
Time is key: soon enough, he will know whether or not it is true love.
7. The couple has the same friends and he’s worried about announcing the relationship to the group.
At first, if they were friends and then became a couple without telling anyone, he would be concerned about how this might affect the inner relationships within the group of friends.
But everybody understands that true friendship can conquer everything!
8. He worries that someone could steal his girlfriend.
Jealousy may be one of the reasons for his silence. If a guy is really into his girlfriend, he may think she could be stolen by any of his buddies.
Trust is an integral element of a partnership. He’s got to be sure he’s the only one for this lady, and he’ll yell it out to the world only then.
9. He does not want to hear the thoughts of other people about it.
Some guys are very personal and don’t care about judgment and the views of other people. To stop needless conversations and arguments, they think the safest way to manage the relationship is to keep it private.
He might not be entirely incorrect in this situation. Privacy is an integral aspect of a partnership. For this reason, just telling close friends and family may be the right thing to do.
10. He’s Afraid Of Ruining His Reputation If He Gets Dumped
Public appearance is important to most men, especially those who have a prominent career or who are popular. For this reason, they may be afraid of ruining their reputation if they get dumped by a girl. From a female perspective, this may seem like nonsense, but girls should try to understand this reasoning and realize that if the relationship is serious, there’s no need to hide it.