Father Captures the Heart-Throbbing Moment His 12-Year-Old Daughter Delivers Wife’s Baby
When Jacee Dellapena was 12, she was able to do much more than just SEE her brother Cayson make his grand entrance into the world. Her hands got to make it happen!

“Jacee wanted to attend Zadyn’s birth 18 months ago but we felt she was too young to attend. So this pregnancy her dad and I discussed it and decided it might be a good learning experience for her!”, Jacee Dellapena’s mom, Dede Carraway, wrote about the experience on Facebook.
After hours of waiting in the delivery room, Dede started pushing. It was the big moment, but Jacee was worried that she was too short to see the delivery over the bed.
“My doctor, Dr. Walter Wolfe, then suggested, ‘Jacee why don’t you suit up and come deliver the baby?’”

According to Dede, she was shocked at first. But as long as her husband Zack didn’t mind, then it was okay for Jacee to “go for it!”
The epidural wasn’t working too well, and the contractions were so painful, but seeing the expressions on her daughter’s face is what got her through labor.
“Concentrating on her face while I pushed helped me so much!”

Once she was ready, Dr. Wolfe put Jacee in front of him, wrapped himself around the back of her, and put her hands on the inside of his. He guided her, but literally let Jacee do the entire delivery!
“I actually, like delivered him, like, he let me actually push down and pull the baby out,” Jacee said. “I was like, ‘Wow, like I’ve played fake doctor before, but this is, like, the real thing, this is the real deal.’ I was really nervous.”
Dr. Wolfe helped Jacee through the entire process, including cutting the umbilical cord. At the same time, Dede’s husband captured the incredible moments on his phone.
Dede gave birth to her third child, seven-pound, six-ounce baby Cayson.
She says the experience was more than she could have ever imagined.
“We were all very emotional and it was like no feeling I’ve ever felt. It’s not every day your eldest child at 12 years old gets to deliver your last child.”

The photos and birth-story originally posted by Nikki Smith have since been shared more than thousands times on Facebook.
Welcome to the world, Cayson! We have no doubt you have one very special big sister looking out for you!